Tower Indoor Garden Tour JANUARY // Gardening in SMALL spaces.

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “The Aeroponic Tower Channel”. 

Tower Indoor Garden Tour JANUARY // Gardening in SMALL spaces.



Peter Grant

  • @jayc6159 says:

    I’ll have to try the Tom Thumb peas. Today was good I had some fresh spinach with dinner, my Alpine strawberries are doing great. I’m excited about my Tiny Tim tomatoes and my Pot-o-Peno peppers. I realized today I should probably just call it my taco tower since I seem most interested in growing taco ingredients 🤣 I’ve got cilantro, lettuce, tomatoes and peppers. I need to order the baby greens extension would cilantro grow well in it and if so how many seeds should I use?

    • @theaeroponictowerchannel says:

      A taco tower sounds amazing! You can grow cilantro in a baby greens section. That is where I grow mine. I would do 1-3 seeds per rockwool. They bold a lot slower indoors so you can harvest off it for a few weeks. Make sure not to take more than 1/3 at a time or you can stress it and cause it to bolt.

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