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Simple, sustainable, systems for growing FRESH food year-round. Tower Garden

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “The Aeroponic Tower Channel”. 



Peter Grant

  • @cathyrucker3111 says:

    I was wondering if you’re aeroponic gardens can be inside or do they have to be outside in the sun I am in Arizona I have a garden which in the summer I have a cover over it but the heat still just burns everything up. In the winter time I take the cover off and I was wondering if it needs to be outside or can it be on the patio or inside the house, also, when you germinate your seeds, do your little containers go under a grow light

    • @theaeroponictowerchannel says:

      I do grow inside. I’m currently growing inside on 7 towers until March. I keep all my seedling on a heat mat, if temps are below 70 inside, and under a grow light.

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