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Simple Living. Alternative Homesteading. Simple, sustainable, solutions for any space. Free ebook!

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “The Aeroponic Tower Channel”. 


Peter Grant

  • @richmondsplace says:

    Good morning! I love your set up! Have a wonderful day!😊

  • @1turf32 says:

    I love your Tower Garden content so inspiring

  • @bonnie5601 says:

    Love your channel. Wish I could afford one of these

    • @alternativehomesteadingchannel says:

      Thank you! I sold a lot of things to get them. I sold old clothing and purses and jewelry originally.

  • @BrigetteFranklin says:

    Steph, the lady Rene on the tower for me and she sold it to somebody else because they must’ve offered her a bigger price because she relisted it for $250 and I told her that was not right that she was not doing right by me because she agreed to hold it for $100 until the first and she didn’tand I was so upset that I couldn’t get that because I was I was so thrilled to be able to get a tower that I could afford and start growing my own greens and some vegetables

  • @JSK2909 says:

    Really love all your gardening content, please do more…. It is so peaceful to watch and motivational to plant seeds and replace the grocery store.

    • @alternativehomesteadingchannel says:

      Thanks. LOTS coming soon as we move back into the full blown garden season!

  • @susanstrickland6774 says:

    Fresh and beautiful. 👍

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