Preparing for Tariffs and seed starting!

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “The Aeroponic Tower Channel”.Ā 

All my resources!


Peter Grant

  • @BingPoz says:

    Winter savoury is awesome with green beans… any beans actually. Yum.

  • @shanedozerman4995 says:


  • @Texangal162 says:

    The San morsanos are Italian and are used in a popular Italian cans using them. Very popular.

    • @evolvingartistSC7 says:

      Already planted those! We make lots of Italian dishes…just had spaghetti tonight!šŸ˜‚

  • @debrathompson2008 says:

    We insulated our home with rockwool, so we have a bunch of extra in the basement right now, LOL. I love to keep a years’ worth of supplies on hand because we never know what’s around the corner.

  • @devinatusi5035 says:

    Why are you not seeding yourself šŸ˜¢??

  • @debrathompson2008 says:

    I had pumpkin seeds grow in the brushy part of our property that I always threw my scrap’s at and got surprise pumpkins that year it was so cool seeing them vining thru the trees, so bet your squash type plants may very well produce for you. Do you do your own tomato sauce and diced canned up. I love mine.

  • @Texangal162 says:

    Iā€™m doing strawberries grown in a cloth bag.

  • @ManifestWealthNoww says:

    What do we do if we cannot purchase seeds anymore friend?

  • @dhvfdj1 says:

    You’ve been a great help and a wonderful resource- thank you!

  • @evolvingartistSC7 says:

    I have been planting for the past few weeks….keeping in greenhouse. I LOVE watching the plants grow!! I also have kale, lettuce, bok choy, and sugar snaps in the raised beds….about to plant early corn. Also my husband has been transplanting new blackberry and blueberry shoots in other areas. Also, been planting daffodil bulbs and other bulbs I bought for a great price at Lidl. Loved the 70s temp today!! Spring is just around the corner!!ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤

  • @deborahsavoie2159 says:

    Im going to try again this year! To raise a garden. I didnt do to good at all. Praying i have a better year. God bless you, and your family .šŸ˜Šā¤

  • @robinlj5767 says:

    For paste tomatoes you could also try Sheboygan or Jersey Devil. I have grown both and they are pretty prolific. I especially like the Jersey Devilā€™s flavor wise. Thank you for a very fun video with lots of great seed variety recommendations!

  • @qda5783 says:

    About Tariffs. Tariffs are basically taxes on products exported by nations (or imported into other nations). All of the nations around the world have been charging tariffs (taxes) on products they export to the U.S. for YEARS, but the U.S. has NOT been charging tariffs (taxes) on the products the U.S. exports to their nation(s). So the U.S. has been LOSING money for years, paying high tariffs (taxes) on products for other nations, while they have NOT been paying ANY tariffs (taxes) for U.S. products they receive! So Trump wants to balance the scales and start charging other nations the same amount in tariffs (taxes) on U.S. products being exported to their nation(s) as they have been charging the U.S. for years. And the other nations are rebelling, and getting GREEDY, and said they will RAISE their already high tariffs (taxes) by whatever amount the U.S. will start charging them for U.S. products. So Trump said fine! The U.S. will raise our NEW tariff amount by whatever the other nation raises their tariffs. So the tariff wars are on!

    The purpose, or goal, of tariffing (taxing) products the U.S. exports to other nations is to eliminate the IRS and Income Taxes that American citizens pay. Plus, the U.S. isn’t “REALLY” going to LOSE anything if the other nations raise their tariffs, because the U.S. was ALREADY LOSING before we even begin to start charging tariffs. What will happen is that the U.S. will break even. We won’t gain anything, but we won’t lose anything either because the new U.S. tariffs (taxes) will cover the current loses, and we’ll break even. The other nations will actually suffer more, because they’ll have tariffs (taxes) they didn’t have before. It will hurt some nations more than others, depending on how reliant they are on U.S. products being exported to them. Canada will hurt the most because Canada is 80% reliant on U.S. products. So Trump said, bring your manufacturing plants to the U.S. and manufacture your products in the U.S. and there won’t be any tariff’s for those products. It will bring industry and jobs back into the U.S. and eliminate tariff’s for those products to the other nation. Now, if the other nations want to be fair, they could lower their tariffs (taxes) and the U.S. won’t need to increase our tariffs (taxes) by so much either, everyone makes money, prices go down for consumers in both nations and everyone will be happier. But that’s not what they are doing. Instead, they are raising tariffs and getting greedy instead of lowing tariffs and getting happy!

  • @nlawrence323 says:

    All of my seeds successfully started in the rockwool. The long beans are about 6 inches high and Iā€™ve been taking them out each. Day to get used to the chili air. The lettuce is doing well too. I just ordered more heat mats and another grow light. I washed a huge amount of Sprouts from the Sprout Spout their power mix of seeds. And have them in the fridge. I got a packet of wildflower seeds for bees and will put out some pots of them next to the garden tower.

  • @sharonjones7674 says:

    Just for future seed show-n-tell please say what they are, especially when you say they are amazing because I for one cannot read backwards very fast. šŸ˜Š šŸ˜‚ So sorry I missed the live, for some reason Utube doesn’t set my notifications anymorešŸ˜¢ šŸ™šŸŒ·

  • @emilyb5972 says:

    Maybe you can give the extra seeds tosome of your tiny home Peeps. šŸ˜Š

  • @ginamac8136 says:

    Been building a new roof for bunny barn.

  • @ginamac8136 says:

    Would you please reply and say where you got your daikon radish seeds? I have tried from several different places and none of them ever grew lol

  • @roxannern9393 says:

    Thanks for sharing! Actually, Mexico is complying. I think we may go to reciprocal taxes there. Still, I believe we all need to grow some food for ourselves if only for the health benefits.We had tariffs the last time also. People forget so quickly. The tariffs are to prevent the bordering countries from allowing illegal criminals to pass through there countries into the U.S. If they let them in, they keep them. The govt workers that were laid off were given 8 months severance pay and benefits. 8 months! By that time, car manufacturers, Apple, oil drilling, and many other companies will be open for operation. Plenty of jobs for those laid off folks before their severance pay and benefits run out. We will be better off. I am a nurse. During the last administration, nurses were supplementing nurses’ aids’ by paying for gas just to have help in the hospitals because the aids could not afford gas, insurance, food, etc. We’d have pot lucks and send home food to the aids/clerks with children and elderly parents. 2021-2024 was awful for nurses! And veterans needing healthcare! Then, we find out about the waste of our tax dollars. Ugh! Don’t shoot the messenger. China has bought a lot of our farm land and food companies like Smithfield. So far, the state of Arkansas, a farm state, has made it illegal for China to own land and real estate there. No, I am not from Arkansas. But, we do need to take our farmland back and provide our own food. Agreed.

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