Overcoming the Disadvantages of a Rain Gutter Grow System

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “Hoocho”.ย 


Peter Grant

  • @brittaniejones8755 says:

    Is hydroland your store?

  • @liamdoherty1802 says:

    We need hooch buckets in the USA!!

  • @moqo says:

    Love your work Hoocho, can’t wait to set up my system for summer!

  • @dan8402 says:

    Will it stay this low???
    We need food freedom!

  • @Len02013 says:

    For me the expensive part is the nutrients ๐Ÿ™ (Regional NSW). Iโ€™m almost thinking about putting them in the ground instead.

    Would soil based nutrients work in a hyro setup? Say like thrive complete fertiliser. Could be an interesting video idea

  • @belleomalley1022 says:

    Yes!! Been waiting for this!!

  • @benson9328 says:

    Your the best hooch. Been thinking about media for ages and my eemuir doesn’t stick cultilene slabs

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