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Old Man Puts Gardening Industry into PANIC as he Shows the World How to Grow Food

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “Keep on Growin’ with Mike VanDuzee”. 

Self watering adapters available here:
Buy One Get One Free for one week
Nutrients that I use:
Playlist showing how to put the self watering microgreen grower together:

Home & Garden/Ebook/Online Course Bundle:
This will save you time, energy and money. Instead of watching hundreds of YouTube videos and getting conflicting opinions from several gardeners, you can get all the info you need to start growing with hydroponics the easy, inexpensive way. For the price of a couple of cups of coffee you can save yourself from watching hours upon hours of videos and start growing today. Once you take the course, you can always come back to it for reference. Don't wait! (Now only $24 for lifetime access)

0:00 Intro
2:27 Day 2 Germination
3:35 Day 3 Uncovering and Mold Issue
7:00 Day 4 Microgreen Growth Continues
10:30 Day 5 Microgreen Mold Recovery
13:00 Day 6 Raining and Overcast
16:50 Day 7 Some Microgreens Ready to Harvest
18:20 Day 8 Nutrient Use
21:00 Day 9 Refilling
22:05 Day 16 Microgreen Needs More Water
28:00 Day 17 Microgreen Recovery
30:15 Day 22 How Long Will They Last?

My Etsy shop:
Greener Harvest Seeds:
Join this channel to get access to perks:

Supplies and seed that I use that can't be found at local home improvement stores:

Disclaimer: Some of these links are affiliate links. As an Amazon affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.

#mrduzee1 #diyhydroponics


Peter Grant

  • @iggy711 says:

    I’ve been following Mike. Thank you for your authenticity. I’m a beginner. I just harvested my first batch using clay pebbles. Not a huge harvest (just for me and my husband). Step 1.

  • @TroyTime02 says:

    Where is this OLD man you keep speaking of? 🙂 🙂 🙂 ….Great stuff Mike! The daily shots are cool.

  • @LG-sw1ge says:

    Is there a code for the buy one get one I don’t see it in the Etsy page. Plus I have 4 in my cart and it says I have one total 89.95?

    • @KeepOnGrowin says:

      No, for every one you buy, I throw in a free one. Example, if you buy 2 I mail you 4. Sorry about the confusion.

  • @KeepOnGrowin says:

    Here is a playlist of how to assemble the self watering microgreen growers: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk4IGbDM3vfpeW526tzOQLWDaT754xB2A&si=ZmX6b04JrFHD7TUP

  • @philliphuff5191 says:

    Mike where do you get seeds to start your new batches?

  • @alexlavertyau says:

    love the constant creativity and new ideas, i need to get some of these clay beads and give it a go

  • Anonymous says:

    Just went through what seeds I have, hunkered up in yet another bloody blizzard in Northen Ontario.
    really needed this.
    Thank you, brother!

  • @davidlangan4902 says:

    Which would you suggest, based on experience with both, the sand or the clay pebbles (using setup shown in this video)? Thanks!!

    • @KeepOnGrowin says:

      Both have pros and cons. I like the sand, it is way easier to clean and reuse but it is heavier than the clay pebbles.

  • @chyllhollywood says:

    I did the online course and I was intending on getting the adapter. I just received my microgreen seeds yesterday so this video is right on time to remind me to get the adapter. SOLD!

  • @awkn2590 says:

    I just bought 11 of these at a buy one get one.

    • @KeepOnGrowin says:

      Awesome! my email is keepongrowin1@gmail.com if you have questions when you get them.

    • @awkn2590 says:

      @@KeepOnGrowin thanks Mike! But I have watched every video you’ve basically made with them. I plan on doing a planter lined with 6ml plastic- filled with sand and from there I’m going to use my hydroponic nutrients. And these will fit in perfectly. I just need to go to my small town bar and get an empty bottle per attachment.

  • @bobmarley965 says:


  • @JoyceEmanuel-zu7tt says:

    Hi Mike,
    Can we add mycorrhizae bacteria to the microgreen media along with the Master’s Mix?
    Thanks again for sharing your knowledge!

  • @TH-eb5ro says:

    For those on a budget Dollar Tree has been getting microgreen seeds. They do grow well, I sprout them and eat as microgreens.

  • @DalePeyton says:

    Hey, Mike, my name’s Dale and I’m in Los Angeles California. I just bought 2 of your units. Self watering adapters for Mason and water bottles. I have a green house to tip to my kitchen. But right now I’m not using it because I can’t keep the cat off the top of it. She wants to climb the top of the greenhouse and lay on top where it’s warm. Any suggestions how I can keep her off of it? Love you channel i’ve been following you free years

    • @KeepOnGrowin says:

      Thank you! Sorry, no advice on the cat. The one that keeps shredding my cover is a stray. I finally just had to grab the hose whenever I saw him in the backyard. Someone must spray him, he takes off when I grab it.

  • @Katya-zj7ni says:

    Wish we could buy your adapters in UK 😢

  • @paulacannon3452 says:

    you have got to be able to get hold of the seeds in the UK you cant get them in bulk

  • @usa2342 says:

    Thanks! What a creative way to grow micro greens!

  • @giovannysilva7735 says:

    It’s awesome idd

  • @videovango9476 says:

    Just ordered 2. (Hopefully I’ll get 4 with this great 2 for 1 deal! David Brandt. : ))

  • @bigtomatoplantslover6205 says:

    Wow Lovely Planting
    Thank you for good sharing 😊 LIKE 861
    My friend, have a good relationship 😊

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