New 3D Printable Net Cup System and Wicking Propagator Timelapse

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “Hoocho”. 

Hoochos Wicking Propagator Timelapse and New 3D Printable Net Cup System

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Happy Hydroponicing!


Peter Grant

  • @korzililuc says:

    Great video, I was thinking of doing something similar myself. I’m just wondering, won’t the coco wash out once you place the net cups in the hydrotower? Won’t the coco then clog your tower or your pump? Would love to see an update on this in a few weeks!

    • @Hoocho says:

      @@korzililuc if the roots are developed enough they will hold the coco together. I’ve been running coco without net cups from the start

  • @MrThatguyuknow says:

    Wow I just did something similar by coincidence but it was using soil instead of coir. I grow out the long fat roots in an elevated air bubbler tray, then let them feather in the fog rig. I didn’t even know this had a real name, it just seemed like a problem to solve while experimenting. My fog setup uses an air pump instead of a water one though (it’s just a tub style) so I don’t have to worry about clogging, but I’ll say it’s more a novel idea since it does wash away easily and cause other issues. I like it since you don’t need a fancy timer when you force feed air into the chamber and I can (most likely pretend) they may have a local microbiome. But it’s more simplicity over performance. So far so good for my first attempt. Thanks for sharing your sleek final draft version. I’ll try to incorporate your ideas.

  • @wizzzard_ponics says:

    mate another cool video, i dont have a 3 d printer, no room where i live, but would love to buy 3-4 of the wicking propagator, how do i go abut this and is it possible ???

  • @Suchtzocker says:

    Im printing the wicking propagator system just in this moment on 2 printers in the next room lol ( for my tower hydroponic system 😸 ) i want to try the netpods, my ender made a stringy mess out of them but strings will propably hold more coco in the cups hehe. The netcups feel very secure in the tower for bigger loads of plant mass. I thought about putting a cord in the netcups, but pushing coco in should do the same. Im not quite shure yet what fabric to use wich is available in my country or even hiding somewhere at my house

  • @infrasound says:

    stay safe mate!

  • @roblaw46 says:

    Can you clarify the stages of using water and then nutrient mix for the wicked seedlings ready for the tower. Some EC values too would be helpful!

    How do you also deal with the wicking mixture slowly falling into the tower’s reservoir and potential clogging.


  • @sambagamb says:

    Gotta love going from system to system seamlessly, winner winner chicken dinner!

  • @TomS699 says:


  • @CertifiedOldGuy says:

    Sweet bro

  • @barcaisbest10 says:


  • @stm91 says:

    Hey! I was wondering about how you manage power across everything you do? Are you completly on solar/batteries? I’m asking because from a quick check it seems like electricity prices there are similarly bad as here in europe, especially for grow lights the costs quickly explode. Personally I’d love a video about that.

  • @dominiklenart2693 says:

    Wow, can you please send the link to the lights you attached to the tower? I’m currently printing the tower and was pondering how to set up the lightning and your setup looks perfect!

  • @moele2 says:

    Hi, awesome content as always. Nice idea with the cups. how about adding a small collar to the edge to stop wiggling. Shouldn’t be a problem since you are probably printing upside down.

  • @martinconnolly2995 says:

    Good luck with the cyclone!!! Stay safe

  • @DAveShillito says:

    Have you considered adding a home automation system, such as Home Assistant to your studio?
    Then instead of turning off a socket you could add a routine so when you press a button it turns it off for a fixed period of time but will automatically turn it back on after that period elapses.

  • @flamingcoop says:

    Where are you getting your seeds from in Aus?

  • @JesseJames83 says:

    Wicking Propagator sounds so metal… like a Romulan battlehorse.

  • @alejandroruiz1486 says:

    Does the coco get into the water and makes the pump clog?

  • @ARVINDDONGRE-k1n says:

    Sir, I am an Indian. Tell me which nutrients do you add to the water.

  • @stephenmarch3736 says:

    Thanks for showing your failure as well, and turning it into a success. I was surprised to see the plants mostly lasted 5 days without water, wow. I am already downloading the files from your patreon, nice work.

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