How To Hydroponics – S02E10 How To Clone Plants

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “HowToHydroponics”. 

In this episode we look at how to clone plants for your hydroponic system. Cloning plants is a great way to ensure your garden is filled with a genetically proven plant. With the right tools and a little luck your clones and cuttings will become strong independent plants in a few weeks. Clones/Cuttings can be taken from almost any plant and be propagated for use in both soil and hydroponic gardens.

Organic alternatives to rooting hormone include honey or making a tea from either soaking the bark or the yellow-tipped shoots of a weeping willow tree in water for 24 hours.


Peter Grant

  • Higgs666 says:

    I’ve been doing some research on rooting hormone lately and even though it isn’t very expensive, it doesn’t seem to increase dependability of the cloning process drastically enough for me to want to pay for it. People have been cloning vegetables for thousands of years and rooting hormone has been around for what, 25 years? I use pure honey to dip my clones then I throw them in rockwool soaked with ph adjusted water. When I soak my cubes I put 2-3 drops of SuperThrive in.

  • Higgs666 says:


    I don’t buy the superthrive just for clones so I wouldn’t constitute it as a “cloning expense”. I use in all my reservoirs when the plants are looking a little dumpy.

  • equinoxleaks says:

    Gr8 vid more helpful then any others I’ve seen on utube thanx

  • WeedTokerUK says:

    I thought this was about weed o_O

  • Daniel Garrido says:

    Do you have to use hormones?

  • merlinmcentee says:

    Hey Matt,
    Love all your videos you have created. Im now onto season 2, but I have a question for you. It concerns the rockwool. I noticed that you soak your rockwool then take em out of water and place seed or cutting into it and then into your humidity dome. Do you not drain the rockwool at all? I have seen on other videos that you should get as much water out of the rockwool as possible as it can just rot the plants. Im only asking as Im a newbie at this.

  • onlikepopcorn1 says:

    I make my own clone gel by mixing a bit of rooting hormone powder with organic honey. I get much better success than with the powder alone. It also acts as an antifungal/antibacterial to allow the roots to develop healthily and sterile.

  • THAT drunk Guy & His B.S. OPINIONS!!! says:

    Matt, I’ve looked at a lot of cloning products, and he ones i’ve seen say “not for veg, fruit, or plants that will be eaten.” What do you think on that?

  • Matthew says:

    You video got me clipping one of my indoor plants. I mainly grow bonsai but they take for ever so I have to keep myself busy some how.

  • Donna King says:

    Do you have to have the T8 light? How about direct sunlight in a well lit window?

  • Lawful Christian says:

    Use honey to clone your plants if you dont want to have to go and buy a cloning product… I think it might be cheaper too…

  • Randall Reinhold says:

    So helpful! Thanks!

  • chris ramirez says:

    ay if u clone a weed plant u do those same things rite?

  • Bobby Booshey says:

    Rooting hormone is completely unnecessary.

  • MN funkmasta says:

    don’t lie to us and say you didn’t know what you were doing. clearly you studied some information.

  • Conner M says:

    You can cut the top off a 2L pop bottle and use it as a dome

  • Apache Grille says:

    Great video, it was very helpful! Thank you very much for posting this 🌿

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