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Growing mushrooms at home is super easy with a bucket – Anyone can do it

Another Video from Youtube. 


Peter Grant

  • EY - Gardening says:

    I have made detailed subtitles of the content. Turn on subtitles and choose your language.
    If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments

    Mushroom embryos, Mushroom seeds, Meal fungus :
    – You can buy it online, on e-commerce platforms, Amazon…
    – Or buy at mushroom farms near you

    – Keep mushrooms in a shady place: no sun, no wind
    – Keep mushrooms moist by misting 1-2 times a day
    – The type of mushroom in the video : Abalone mushroom

  • Danielle Carvalho says:

    Obrigado por nos mostrar que podemos plantar coisas diversas, nunca imaginei que poderia plantar e colher meu próprio cogumelo. Muito obrigada! 👏👏👏👏👈

  • Orminda Gomes says:

    O inverno te retorna em dobro quando é orgânico 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 gratidão 🙏

  • Gulnara🧚‍♂️ says:

    Я выращивала грибы-вешенки в большом полиэтиленовом пакете. Но сначала надо купить мицелий грибов в садовом магазине. Вместо соломы очень хорошо подходят опилки от дерева. Берёшь опилки, складываешь их в большой тазик или детскую ванночку. Заливаешь кипятком из ведра металлического. Даёшь опилкам пропитаться горячей водой. Пакет предварительно в нескольких местах надрезаешь крестиком. Затем набиваешь опилки в пакет, пересыпаешь послойно мицелием, затем снова опилки и посыпаешь мицелием. Пакет сверху завязывешь и ставишь на стул или табуретку в обычной комнате. Через 2 недели из прорезей в пакете начнут вылезать грибы.Бывает 2-3 волны грибов. Затем надо ставить новый пакет, а этот использованный можно отвезти в сад-на дачу и рассыпать под кусты или деревья.

    • настя mokoto says:

      Ассаляму -алейкум. В простом прозрачном мешочке ?

    • Gulnara🧚‍♂️ says:

      @настя mokoto Да, можно прозрачный мешок, можно черный, но плотный, т.к.при набивании опилок тонкий мешок может порваться.

    • Gulnara🧚‍♂️ says:

      @настя mokoto Две недели мешок держать при комнатной температуре. Дырок для выхода грибов надо всего 3-4 с разных сторон мешка.Можно опрыскивать тёплой водой в эти дырки.Когда начнут вылезать грибы, надо комнату проветривать 2 раза в день/до появления грибов это не надо делать/. Успехов вам,Настя.

    • gamer 2.0 says:

      You should make a video of that

    • Махина Махина says:

      Спасибо я очень хочу тоже выростить дома хочу попробовать

  • Montacap Forever says:

    Are the containers able to be regrown in over and over ? If so this is perfect . I have been looking for uses for soda bottles . I know someone that throws them away I hate it so I was thinking spray paint the outsides black and poke wholes and see if things grow .

  • Carmem Silvia says:

    Que coisa mais linda de se ver 🙏.

  • regina brassolotto says:

    lindo demais, adorei

  • Leninha de Andrade says:

    Esses cogumelos parecem saudáveis e saborosos ❤️👏👏👏❤️

  • JO! Video says:

    Hi , nice video
    I have two questions:
    -Wich temperature is optimal to grow?
    -Why are there buckets that have holes in the lid and others that don’t?
    Thanks for the video

  • †愛天使猫姫† says:

    amazing! !
    I’ve been wanting to try growing mushrooms for a while now, and I’ll give it a try when the weather warms up! thank you!

  • Bèlle. says:

    muito lindo. ❤

  • Nina Lopes says:

    Parabéns, muito lindo!

  • Full Circle says:

    That looked easy enough! Love your video.

  • The Mistis says:

    That was so lovely to watch. Simple yet precise step by step. Your mushrooms look delicious 😋

  • Canade-Ian says:

    Did you use any special additives to the water?
    After harvest, do you need to replenish with fresh seeds and straw?

  • Acosta Santiago says:

    Psilocybin mushrooms have proven very effective in the treatment of various mental health issues. Helped me get out of years of depression and excessive alcohol use. My social anxiety is gone as well.

  • Tanis Olson Metz says:

    Yet another great idea and video. Thank you for sharing your wonderful ways of growing….anything! It’s just perfect😃

  • Raimunda Nonata says:

    Que aprendizado!! Nunca tinha visto isso 👏👏👏👍👍👍🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  • Thomas Olivia says:

    I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years. With so much anxiety Not until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms 0:22

  • Anna says:

    0:05 I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years. With so much anxiety Not until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms

    • Joseph Richard says:

      Microdosing helped me get out of the pit of my worst depressive episode, a three year long episodeenough to start working on my mental health

    • Lynne Stoner says:

      0:02 they saved you from death bud, lets be honest here. and mushrooms are one of the most amazing things on this planet i wish people would all realize. they could solve a lot of problems, more than just mental treatments, environmental clean up; the possibilities are endless with fungus

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