Green Tree Snake & Jack

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “Rob Bob’s Aquaponics & Backyard Farm”. 

Jack is learning. Took him out to meet this fella & he stayed away & looked from a distance. 👍😁


Peter Grant

  • @rfvum says:

    Is this snake venomous?

  • @AtlasReburdened says:

    Such a shame that the good snakes don’t know to avoid human habitations. Though I suspect that a few tens of thousands of years will evolve that instinct into them if there’s any left.

  • @mathewpoole3589 says:

    K so lesson learnt, check the seats before you sit.

    So that makes check the toliet, check your boots, don’t stick your hands in the wheel arch, check the BBQ and now check the seats.

    Got to love Aussie wildlife.

  • @craftilyrecycled says:

    As soon as I saw it I thought “green tree snake! Yay!” I love those guys. As to careful where you put your bum… I’d be more worried about red backs in chairs than snakes, though both a common possibility.

  • @danielthompson3205 says:

    They pretty smart.
    Our resident will sit outside the window and watch us…

    -and they both know to head the other way when we meet outside the house..

  • @avgrim7729 says:

    Good dog!! He deserves a treat!!!

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