Flooded In Two “New Years” in a Row

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “Rob Bob’s Aquaponics & Backyard Farm”. 


Peter Grant

  • @bigunone says:

    Sounds like culvert needs to be bigger

  • @torque350hp says:

    I think that’s a ford.

  • @Berkeloid0 says:

    Does the BoM have any creek/river level monitoring upstream from you? Just curious if there’s anything that can give you advance notice of water coming, a few hours before it arrives.

  • @downunderfulla6001 says:

    All part of rural living. Where I grew up. As a teen we’d (the town) be flooded in for a week or two every year.
    They would chopper in milk and flour for the bakery to bake bread🍺🍺

  • @taffythegreat1986 says:

    We call it a Ford crossing when a river or stream crosses over a road.

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