Aquaponics Guide is Shutting Down – What Now Rob?!

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “Rob Bob’s Aquaponics & Backyard Farm”.Β 

G'Day Folks. Rob's Aquaponics Guide is shutting down! πŸ˜₯ Why you may ask, well that's explained in the video along with what it now means to all you folks that have already purchased the guide from Rob.
Don't forget to follow the instructions given in the video & email Rob at ONLY if you have already purchased the guide.
Cheers all.

πŸ›’You can find the bits & bobs we sell & affiliate links here,

Want to learn more about Aquaponics from Rob? 🐟 πŸ“πŸ₯¬πŸ…
Well, at the moment the guide is not available.πŸ˜₯ Rob's "Backyard Aquaponics Beginners Guide" guide will be back, bigger & better than ever & at the same price* of US$19.95 very soon.
For now you can check out this Aquaponics Beginners playlist that has LOADS of helpful videos,

Our Amazon Influencer page where you'll find the gear I use around the patch & Aquaponics listed

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A HUGE THANKS needs to go out to these Super Supporters for supporting our channel,
Naughty Goat Farm

Naughty Goat Farm is committed to providing a healthy alternative to the mass-produced soaps, lip balms and personal products currently available on the shelves of stores.

Tina from BS Ranch & Stich 6 to 6

Sally Weiner
Woodworking Chicago based Artist
Etsy Store,

@sallyweinerart on Instagram

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Rob (That’s me πŸ˜‰) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Influencer/Associates Program, an influencer/affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

*Price may rise after initial re release period.


Peter Grant

  • @nevanalthaus2387 says:


  • @Ne0spartan says:

    Your video title stressed me out πŸ˜…

  • @barrypeters5136 says:

    Good to see you Mate

  • @geoffburnett4211 says:

    Hats off to you Rob. I’m glad you’re not shutting down

  • @salmsptwo5162 says:

    Oh, wow that’s great! Good work Rob! πŸ€ πŸ‘ Thanks for keeping your aquaponics guide.

  • @humeseraph says:

    yay new guide. I have been wanting to start aquaphonics maybe when the new guide goes up is a good time to start.

  • @wojomojo says:

    Great news!

  • @garryrepp5505 says:

    Hi Rob, I have watched some of the videos of the guide and it does look good and informative. Cheers

  • @gregorypotter1109 says:

    Dear Rob thanks for your work. I have a really bad head injury, candida Albertans and find it very hard to look through and read data. I was going well until my carer left { things I learnt before the op are easy new things very hard the op was 49 years ago] I find the organic food I get very healing and really find aquaponics very simple. I had to buy 100 silver perch thats the least he sell me. 99 really but then not counting the wow factor, one died the second day. They’re still about three months old the others are well. I have two commercial. Filters on each tank one a 2000 litre and hour the other a 250 litre an hour, A cut and flip. Bed on each tank and two 5 tired garden beds on each tank on droppers I top up the tanks when they need it as the tired beds only take water it does not circulate. Any worries you can see. Would be good. I have a very small yard be a housing commission house and have no room left. I have nabiours that complain if I fart to loudly,. I think there similar to the people around the lady in Queensland with the ;’’ 6 foot swimming pool’’ Also I need a good PH meter thought temp as I have water heaters with there own controls necessary as I live in Paynesville Victoria, Love your work.

  • @LWeeeed says:

    Pleased you have found a way to keep going.

  • @annakramar5088 says:

    Hang in there…Your doing good🐠

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