Off Grid Twin Pump Aquaponics System & Aquaponics Guide Update

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “Rob Bob’s Aquaponics & Backyard Farm”.Β 

G'Day Folks. Today we're having a look at an Off Grid, Twin Pump Aquaponics system that I visited for a consultation yesterday. It's going to be a very interesting build & I'm hoping to get an invite back to suss it out during it's construction. I'll be sure to bring you all along as well if I do. 🀞
ALSO, I have an update on what's going on with my Backyard Aquaponics for Beginners guide so watch the video to the end if you have purchased it & want to continue to have access. πŸ‘

Cheers all.
Rob, B & Jack. 🐾🐾

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Want to learn more about Aquaponics? 🐟 πŸ“πŸ₯¬πŸ…
Learning is easy with my "Backyard Aquaponics for Beginners" Guide.
The Guide is being improved at the moment but will be back for purchase again SOON.

Our Amazon Influencer page where you'll find the gear I use around the patch & Aquaponics listed

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Peter Grant

  • @roberto13371 says:

    G’day Rob! Love the videos mate, you have been inspiring me for years.

  • @nevanalthaus2387 says:


  • @MrWackozacko says:

    I was going to play with a 2 pump setup but i ended up getting a timer from bunnings. A water valve timer. Pretty simple and so far reliable. Its for a sand bed im going to test out. Every 4 hours the valve opens for half an hour, fills up the sand bed then lets it drain

  • @Shane_O.5158 says:

    2 seperate tanks, 2 growbeds, why not 2 seperate systems ? that way if something stuffs up in 1 , you only lose half.

  • @kerryevans2038 says:

    As always good to hear from you Rob. Will be interesting to see when he is all set up.

  • @annakramar5088 says:

    Very interesting to see other peoples setups and going off the grid πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎ

  • @garryrepp5505 says:

    Hi Rob, A great video, lots of information. Looks like a good sized system he has. Stay well.

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