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Sprouting Broccoli Seeds: Your Ultimate System for Easy Sprouting! Plus Updates!

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “The Aeroponic Tower Channel”. 

Sprouting Broccoli Seeds: Your Ultimate System for Easy Sprouting! Plus Updates!

Tower Garden link! Use coupon code Take10 for 10% off.

My Tik Tok shop:

Use this link for 10% off the Sprout Spout:

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Peter Grant

  • @ChooseFreedom-o1e says:

    Those sprouting containers look well designed.

  • @AliciaBarnett-hl8ck says:

    You look like my best friends doppelgänger. Cute as a button. She’s a homesteader too.

  • @christinegagnon6622 says:


  • @christinegagnon6622 says:

    I think you are wonderful…..unfortunately i refuse to use tok tok, or temu, or anything else, even the government banned it jusg like furby, i won’t touch it or others like them , i even paid double for a replacement battery because it was USA, not “made in chyna” or support my local stores iand community’s and brick and mortar nstead of Amazon….i understand somethings are by mail only, especially honesteading or rural living, it was 45 minutes to the city on gravel roads , if you hear a car outside you put the coffee pot on, even the pistal address stated “route five” and the mailbox was across the street

    • @alternativehomesteadingchannel says:

      I get it! I try to do mostly American made but it’s also nearly impossible. All the apps are so corrupt these days. So frustrating.

  • @JodiMontano says:

    I used to raise exotic birds (parrots) and still keep several pets. I’ve been sprouting for them for years. I’m doing it on a much smaller scale now that it’s 2 birds instead of 60. I use a half gal mason jar and a sprout lid. They are at their nutritional peak when they first sprout. If you allow them to continue growing, much of that nutrition is depleted in the process of becoming a plant. I’m interested in trying the Sprout Spout for broccoli and other seeds for my self. The mason jars haven’t worked well for tiny seeds, and I’m sure it’s lack of air flow.

  • @wildtangent3926 says:

    Thanks for the broccoli sprout tips! I was considering starting some today just today, but was apprehensive about the process. They’re amazingly nutritious.
    Where is the NC event? I missed the link.

  • @kelliwebb2870 says:

    I don’t do TicTok or any of the Chinese spying methods. I’m actually surprised you do!

    Is the sprout spout bpa free?

    • @alternativehomesteadingchannel says:

      I avoided it forever but then I realized it’s actually less spy and less controlled opposition than insta and facebook! It has been eye opening to see the social world from a different (not meta) lens. Really really eye opening. The meta algorithm is really evil and harmful.

    • @alternativehomesteadingchannel says:

      It is BPA free.

    • @kelliwebb2870 says:

      @ I haven’t done Facebook since Fuckerberg rigged the 2020 election. I don’t do messenger either. And I haven’t been on Instagram maybe twice in my life.

  • @wildtangent3926 says:

    🌱Thanks for the broccoli sprout tips! I was considering starting some just hours ago, but was apprehensive about the process. They’re amazingly nutritious.
    Where is the NC event? Is there a link?

  • @elisaangel9789 says:

    Which shoe brand?

  • @victorialg1270 says:

    Because of the funky broccoli sprout smell, I always move my sprouts. I start broccoli in something like your old sprouter. Once they have a bit of a tail i move them to a tray that is actually for wheat micro greens.

  • @rooteddinfaith says:

    Hi I am Patricia and just found you from my youtube feed..I am a health nut too..been sprouting and microgreens for awhile and like this concept..I also am into grounding and later may invest in some good earyj shoes ..so may companies out there..I am recupping from my second fall in 6 months this l;ast one from work shoulder and fractured knee and limited income widow benefits my soulmate of 37 years passed unexpectedly 9 years ago..am 65 nice to meet you..Patricia

    • @alternativehomesteadingchannel says:

      I’m sorry for your loss and fall! I destroyed my pinkie finger and part of my hand last December 2024. I’m just now at about 90% normal. All your healthy choices will serve your healing well I know!

    • @rooteddinfaith says:

      @@alternativehomesteadingchannel I am hoping so and hope you have continued healing as well!

  • @rebeccazody1278 says:

    How do we find the more affordable barefoot shoes?😂

  • @grantdixon230 says:

    This video disappoints me. Having seen your earlier video about sprouting in trays, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VTNLjMJMOc&list=WL&index=5&t=2s where you praise the stainless steel tower system, and actually pooh pooh the emphasis on airflow for successful sprouting. I just bought that system using the link you provided. Now you are promoting the sprout sprout, praising it BECAUSE it allows air circulation, contradicting yourself. You originally struck me, very favourably, as a genuine person with good practical advice, based on practical experience. Now I am left wondering if I was mistaken in that assessment. Or are you just recommending Sprout Sprout for broccoli?

  • @pasveritas1872 says:

    Thanks Stef, always so informative. I’m so keen to sprout for nutritional benefits and tower grow due to same benefits. I have small available space and some limited mobility.
    Both seem so do-able in my case.
    The biggest disappointment is that neither products ship to Australia.
    Hopefully both companies will do so soon & before trumps tariffs kick in – otherwise I’m left out of the picture.
    Love Barbara’s work & got her book soon as it came out. Also support her husband, Michaels work in the Heart Party.
    Lets get Australians in the picture ✨️👍🌿

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