No Fertilizer, No Composting, Carefree Mother Nature Gardening
This Video is from the Youtube channel: “Keep on Growin’ with Mike VanDuzee”.
Self watering adapters available here:
or on Amazon: Mason Jar Adapter
Soda Pop Bottle Adapter
Nutrients that I use:
No Fertilizer, No Composting #gardening101 #organic #permaculture This was grown with no fertilizer. Just mother nature doing her thing. And it's not hydroponics. Just an experiment we're doing. I didn't even plant these tomatoes. They're just volunteer plants. And even in the 90 degree heat, temperatures near 100, and out in the sun, it's about 120, these guys were still setting fruit.
And with barely any watering.
Now some people might call this cold composting, but there's a couple of big differences.
I call this Mother Nature's Graveyard. It took us a couple of years, but this year, when we got ready to plant, we just put a couple of herbs and a few chard. Everything else is just volunteer plants. Now the first year we did this, some squash sprouted up,
so we just let it go. It grew around the shade house, and And we got a lot of butternut squash off of it. It was awesome and free. So pretty much this is a hundred gallon rubbermaid tote. We initially filled it halfway with just topsoil. Cheap stuff, nothing in it. And over the years we've been tossing our vegetable scraps in here.
Also when you see us harvest all the microgreens and we don't eat the roots and some people are saying that's a waste. This is where the waste is going. Then we don't mix it. We don't add a certain amount of brown and green. We don't check the temperature. We just let it be. Everything decomposes in layers.
The worms and microbes do their business. And I pretty much don't do anything to this. Except harvest my greens and herbs.
See man's been farming a long time. And way back before fertilizers and pesticides and all that, you had to look to nature, see how she was doing it.
I think we've all lost sight of that. We just want to add some supplements, fertilizer, and call it organic gardening. I think organic's getting back to the way Mother Nature was doing it. So over the season we just let this continue to grow. Boom. Came in, harvested, herbs, our seashell, whenever we wanted.
And here's the only irrigation. Quarter inch tubing, goes off 15 minutes, twice a day. Now here's where we're different from composting too.
gorgeous nature of plenty!
Incredible horticulture channel.
Thanks Scully. I’m just a dude.
They love your TLC.
Clay pebble seem the way to go.
Keep growing!
Question. You started with a number of inches of plain top soil…then layer on the food scraps. Do you top each layer with some top soil, just wondering. Thankyou
I forgot to mention that. No, I only added scraps up until a few weeks before we planted and added a few bags of topsoil on top of everything to plant the new herbs in. The volunteer plants just sprouted up through it.
@@KeepOnGrowin amazing , so natural, so simple…wow. just begin anywhere with a good layer of ordinary top soil, keep adding scraps, then add maybe 2-3 inches more of topsoil to the top of the heap…and plant seeds. I am not going to forget that one, thats for sure. Your tote was pretty deep..I wonder how many inches in depth would be sufficient. I guess I need to experiment with that one. Last question…do you think your food scraps were well decomposed before you began sowing seeds? Maybe it doesnt matter? Thankyou.
I would like to know too!
You lied, and apart from that what you have done is not normal. I think you are giving your garden what it needs, but not properly. I been watching how some people make, and use fertilizer, and compost. You claim not to use it, but I think you are using it just not properly.
I saw different ways of making, and giving what a garden needs, so I have an idea of how that is done.
If you truly do not want to use fertilizer, and compost then the only items you should be giving your garden is soil, light, water, oxygen, and appropriate temperature. You must be offering an appropriate temperature to your plants. Because if it was inadequate then I believe they would be unhealthy, or dead.
I tried it myself to grow plants without using fertilizer, and compost, but I made mistakes along the way. I did not give any scraps like you did to my plants. I just gave my plants what I previously mentioned they should have, but I made incorrect assumptions resulting in my plants eventually dying, and not properly growing.
Sorry, but I did not lie. It is ok if you do not understand. Have an awesome life.
@@KeepOnGrowin You sure did. You are a liar. You said No Fertilizer, No composting. carefree nature Gardening, and then you contradict your bullshit on your video.
I can read, and I understand words. How about you?
I know how fertilizer is made, and compost as well. I know you are copying people who make what they need, for their gardens. I took some of my time to watch, and learn how fertilizer, and compost is made!!!
You don’t think about the temperature wow. Amazing liar you are. Bad temperature will not permit plant growth, so you must already know about what I said. I can see where your plants are. The temperature must feel good to you, and your plants must like it as well.
It’s hard to see another succeed when you’ve failed. Show me a gardener who hasn’t failed. It’s part of the process. But instead of becoming angry and accusatory maybe you could learn from others. We all have kitchen scraps but we don’t all have the knowledge, interest, or ability to compost, which is a very specific process. Composting isn’t throwing scraps in a bucket. I hope there is much love and many healthy gardens in your future.
“lied”? Are you brain dead?
Very cool Mike nature doing the work. Awesome stuff!
115-120 daytime,80-90 night time. Towers are dead. They were fantastic till then. I’ll try again in the fall.
115-120 daytime,80-90 night time. Towers are dead. They were fantastic till then. I’ll try again in the fall.
My nature ones i flood them every 3 days with aircon water only.
Works like flood and drain
Good video. Been cold composting for a year & the plants seem to love. I need much more water as I live in the low desert. really like grow bags & 5 gallon buckets. Sweet potatoes in grow bags (5 & 8 gallon) do well when placed into a pre-dug holes. Maybe due to arid environment. Gardening does take some time, as your first couple of tries may lead to poor results due to lack of knowledge.
So you are composing.
How do I buy the Mason jar lids and soda bottle tops for nutrient bottles. Why aren’t they in your store?
They are in my store on Etsy.
I just put them in my Amazon store, I forgot. Thank you.