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Winter Bato Bucket growing. Harvesting fennel from NFT channels, yes you can grow!!

This Video is from the Youtube channel:Homegrown Passion”. 

Covering lots of topics in this video, Fennel harvest, winter Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Swiss chard, Colored Bell pepper production and planting Shungiku. Bato bucket success in the winter.



Peter Grant

  • @danielglaus2064 says:

    I see ware divine gets her looks from! 😅

  • @qmoonwalker3847 says:

    I just tried cucumbers in a kratky tote. Got about 5 or 6 cucumbers and that was it. Also have some cherry tomatoes and those are doing great.

  • @boregardrippy9272 says:

    .. you seem primed for record yields with all the renovation and everything … fingers crossed .. fabulous produce …. TY ..!

  • @STxFisherman says:

    Beautiful garden. I am going to try growing some Broccolini here in South Texas this Spring. Broccolini is my favorite vegetable and hoping that it does well here. Have you ever tried growing it in your greenhouse?

  • @jimcereda165 says:

    Wow! You and hubby are a great team! Keep up the awesome videos! Jim from Napa CA

  • @Robert-cd2ht says:

    Do you provide produce to your CSA depending what customers request and how do you get feedback? I am surprised that there are no cherry tomatoes. Do you provide eggs and a chicken video would be great.

    • @HomegrownPassion says:

      OK will do a egg and chicken video. In our CSA program. we are contracted to grow certain things each week. We don’t get feedback from CSA which is sad because we would like to know how everyone likes our produce. We do get feedback from our farmers market people, but I think that’s just because we are face to face.

  • @dougstevenson4694 says:

    Have you tried the small S-chain for the climbing cucumbers?

  • @Tenslea says:

    The greenhouse looks awesome! I think your cucumbers will love the heat bump. We are still producing tons here in Houston, temps in the low 70s during the day then dipping into the high 50’s at night so we are supplying heat at night to keep them happy. Looking forward to more videos coming up, always love seeing them! Its like getting to hang out and chat about growing veggies with a favorite friend. Happy holidays to you guys!

    • @HomegrownPassion says:

      Happy holidays to you and your family! Thanks so much for the nice comment. We love doing them and glad you enjoy watching and hanging out with us!

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