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Growing watermelon at home is easy, big and sweet if you know this method

Another Video from Youtube. 


Peter Grant

  • Rosa Yamashita says:

    Que delícia! Amo melancia!
    Obrigada por compartilhar! 💖💖💖😋😋😋

  • alzenira campos says:

    Hunm q delícia, cultivada em casa sem agrotóxicos q maravilha parabéns

  • Maria Eunice Antunes says:

    Que maravilha!! Amo melancia 🍉

  • Francisca Pinho says:

    Eu amo plantar ótima dica parabéns

  • Noelia Reis says:

    Deu água na boca essa melancia!

  • FSSL says:

    Deu água na boca. Adorooooo.

  • Carol120454 says:

    I think this method would work for squash too. Keeps the fruits off the ground. The compost cups are a great idea too. Puts the nutrients right where they’re needed. I’m going to try this with kitchen scraps, coffee ground s and droppings from my pet rabbit.

    • Irina D’achkina says:

      Кофейную гущу не стоит добавлять в почву, она окисляет грунт. Только в компост

    • Цитрусы дома says:

      Помет кролика это рост растений-азот. Кофейная гуща хороша в огородах там червяки и другие жители земли помогают усвоить это. А в горшке это вызывает мошек. Вообще очистки с кухни вызывают мошек так как в горшке это не на улице. Но!!! Можно луковая и чесночная шелуха использовать . Там много нужных элементов. К тому же не только кормит, но и повышает иммунитет( всем растения хороша такая подкормка). Я на дно стакана кладу очистки от лука ,чеснока.. Заполняю на четверть. Заливаю кипятком. И через несколько часов( делаю вечером,использую утром) развести еще стаканом воды.и полить все растения. Раз в 2 недели можно делать

    • Nature Sounds says:

      How to keep mice, and rats away from the plants, especially with the kitchen scraps there? I don’t want to poison them or anything, is there any other way around it?

    • Jerry Ulibarri says:


  • Márcia Luzia says:

    Q lindo é a natureza reproduzindo ameii

  • Cris Costa says:

    Que lindo! Amei a ideia

  • ELIANE says:

    Deu água na boca.

  • Guipedroso 2782 says:

    Que vídeo top!!!! Muito inspirador e relaxante 👏👏👏🤠🤠🤠

  • Cayo Fisher says:

    Primeira vez no canal me inscrevi, não poderia perder um excelente conteúdo desses, mas dá pra melhora o vídeo informando o nome de cada uma das substâncias adicionadas nos cuidados das plantas.

  • Estela Reis says:

    Meu Deus do céu me deu água na boca Adoro essa fruta amo demais

    • 범륭화염 says:

      하나님이 아니고 저 농부가 노력한 결과입니다. 이런 말은 농부를 멸시하는 겁니다.

  • Liah Oliveira says:

    Que lindoooo, primeira vez no canal já estou apaixonada.. tenho cães então único jeito pra plantar é em vasos.. msm assim já tenho minha hortinha.. amei o vídeo, inspirador demais..❤❤

    • الحمدلله says:

      ‘iikhwani wa’akhawati biallah yahal alkhayr ya eibad allah alsaalihin nihna banat ‘aytam ‘awlad sighar mae ‘umiy marida
      My brothers and sisters, by God, people of goodness,

    • الحمدلله says:

      y marida
      My brothers and sisters, by God, people of goodness, O righteous servants of God, we are daughters, orphans, young children, with m

  • Maria Peixoto says:

    Estou com água na boca 😋
    Vou tentar fazer

  • Elizabete Silva Lima says:

    Mãos de fada,que maravilha!!👏👏👏👏👏👏Deus abençoe sempre 🙌🙌🙌🙏

  • Noel del Rosario says:

    The design is fresh and yummy! No need to have a farm lot to grow watermelon these days! Such a brilliant idea! The design is very good!👍👍

  • Sammi-Jo Reviews says:

    Wish I found this sooner, much sooner. This would be so much easier for me to handle in the garden. As it stands now, I have probably 15-20 plants, including watermelons, cantaloupes, & pumpkins, that are growing so fast. We’ve had a great deal of rain too, so the plants along with the weeds & grass in the garden has grown so much it’s difficult to find the melons.

    I have a lot of tomato plants going too. Not sure if it’s good or not, but many are growing under an archway I made using t-rail posts & cattle panel fencing. I dropped a seed packet of garden’s delight tomato seeds & lost some in the soil. Since I couldn’t find them all because they’re so tiny, I used the rake to spread any seeds out. Well, I’ve been tying go twine to the pins I use to hold drip irrigation line down then wrapping it around the tomato plants & tying the twine to a makeshift handle that lets it hang on the underside of the archway. I thinned out the smaller plants that weren’t growing well. I’m hopeful they will produce a lot.

    I have some garden issues, but one major benefit this year is that we had the county agricultural center test the soil before we planted then added recommendations to bring the fertilizers in line. This is the first year I’ve grown Better Boy, Brandywine, & Early Girl tomato varieties with no sign of end rot. Hope it continues. 🤞🏼

    I have watermelons, cantaloupes, & pumpkins growing. I need a way to keep them off the ground where they can get moldy. The melon risers on a,axon are expensive, esp for just 8-10 melon holders.

  • turabi şahin says:

    How beautiful nature is !

  • Penha Regina Ferreira da Silva Delarue says:

    Amei! Vou tentar fazer num espaço que tenho em casa.

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