Self-watering – Idea for growing vegetables when there is no garden
6 DISADVANTAGES of Vertical Farms
Christmas Farm Wrap Up
Vertical Gardening
Vertical farming on aeroponic towers allows you to grow 100s of different veggies #farming #veggies
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메타버스나 이런것 보단 미래에 정말 중요한 산업이 농작물 관련 산업인데 이런 곳에 지원과 관심이 많아 가야하는데 정말 미래에는 진짜 육류와 싱싱한 채소들은 특정 상류층만 먹게 될까봐 무섭다…
그건 미래가 아니라 사회주의 국가에서 이미 일어난 일입니다
걱정하지마세요. 혹여 환경문제로 토경재배가 불가능한 시대가 오더라도 대기업자본이 들어온다면 1년이면 구축가능합니다! 물론 경우에 따라 지금보단 소비가 힘들어질 수도 있다곤 생각합니다.
Wow, this is truly an impressive setup! The attention to detail and the level of maintenance is evident in the healthy and robust plants. I am impressed by the large scale of the system and the variety of plants grown. It’s amazing how efficient and sustainable hydroponics can be. I am definitely taking notes and considering upgrading own hydroponics system. Great video, thank you for sharing!”
you deserve such a nutrition
they did a lot of useless step. the salad could just grow up without moving that much if the had space from the beginning. And i never understand why Koreans sell salad by leaves ? nobody asked them to cut the leaves one by one. the manufacturer and seller are so greedy in korea.. the price of a whole salad of 5000₩.. its 4$. they r just crazy
Plants grow much faster (more than 2x faster) in a hydroponic system than on soil. Lettuce takes 2 to 3 weeks in that set-up.
For example, full 16+ hour light can be provided in a daily basis instead of 12.
Also temperature can be controlled.
Just a fun fact. Higher temperature slows plant growth. Optimal temperature for growth is below 30 Celsius or below 80 F.
INCRÍVEL como eles conseguem produzir tanto em local fechado 😲🤪
Con luces led.
Hydroponics process
몇 십년을 선진 기술을 쫒아가기 바빴는데.., 이젠 이렇게 농업분야에서도 선두에서서 미래의 농업을 선도하는군요. 정말 대단합니다.
I think it can be a problem to grow farms for countries with limited water or energy soon.
Вы молодец. У вас были козыри в руках, чтоб суметь построить на этом бизнес…
Ничего хорошего для людей. Хорошо только вам. Пустая еда.
Yes ..u perfeck
Amazing! I grow hydroponic lettuce in my little backyard. This one fascinated me. Thanks for the video
여전히 노동집약적이며 보완해야 될 점이많이 보이네요. 큰 규모로 사업을 일군 것은 대단하다고 생각합니다.
Cierto, muchas acciones que se ven en el video pueden ser robóticas.
@Sergio Molina Molina that’s name this vegetable
노동집약이 기업인들에겐 약점이지만 노동자들에겐 고마운 직장이되는데 완벽한 복지국가이면 모를까… 우리나라 농업들중에 상추처럼 자동화가 쉬운 품목일수록 좀더 큰 거대자본에 작은 농부들이 치어서 힘들어질듯. 다행이 일반상추는 노동집약형태라서 좀 버티겠지만.
@Ryu changyoung 어차피 1차원적인 노동시장은 로봇과 ai로 대체될수밖에 없으니 이런건 차라리 발빠르게 정착시키고 인력을 고부가가치 산업쪽으로 돌리는게 답이라고 생각합니다.
시대의 흐름에 점점 뒤쳐져 살아남지 못하는 사람들은 미안하지만 그런 자연도태는 막는다고 해서 막아지는것도 아니니 최대한 교육과 지원을 통해서 흐름을 따라올수있도록 유도하는게 좋을듯합니다.
read my main…. are u Ch?❤️🔥
Me encanta el mundo de la hidroponia y el cultivo extensivo de vegetales todo el año.Gracias por este maravilloso video.
Being a student of agriculture stream it makes me happy because the level of technology used is so awesome,literally so awesome is the farmers of any country become so innovative like this no power can obstacle that country to be properous ❣️
Lastly a lot of thanks to the team to make such a fabulous video❣️
Hello iam a 12 student from kerala .now my exam is over and i really confused to take a course but i really interested in Botany as well as chemistry and zoology .Is BSC agriculture is a good profession .is it profitable after course can you suggest some information about that
Have you been to such modern farms?
If only getting nutritions from that water, will those vegetable be short of some special nutritions from the natural earth, air and sunshine?
Bro am thinking about cost and production
Menanam sayuran dengan cara modern&intensif yang sangat luar biasa..
Terimakasih sudah membagikan videonya🙏
Selain jg indah dan cantik kelihatan tanamannya , jg tumbuhan bertasbih ,dan warna hijau daun-daunan obat mata jg jg menambah kesegaran alam di sekelilingnya
É uma ótima solução para desertos alimentares, só faltou a automatização ( com máquinas) dos processos de manutenção das plantas . Com esse vídeo podemos ver o futuro da agricultura no mundo, o que é muito diferente daqui do Brasil onde feiras livres e agricultura familiar ainda é o mais comum.
A agricultura familiar é e vai ser a salvação do mundo.
@Edgar Serafim a agricultura familiar é possível quando tem clima e espaço adequados, lugares como Coreia, não tem espaço suficiente, são desertos alimentares onde a população de baixa renda vive de processados
Graças a Deus temos a agricultura familiar, alimentos longe de agrotóxicos, trazendo saúde pra mesa das famílias brasileiras ❤️
It’s interesting to see how farmers innovate.
I love how clean it is! No slugs, no insects, no blighty bits. Any way to successfully grow food is a good way. I wish everyone who is growing food for themselves or someone else – success.
It’s clean but is not organic, the nature is sun, soil and water from the river, this is artificial growing food for sale a low cost and destroy the farmer with the price. Think about it !
@iron trooth what proof do u have
@Carlos Plants are literally organic organisms dude.
@Dave Smith You are so smart
But u need dirt
If i ever have to spend the rest of my life working in a factory i hope it would be this one…..
Theres something about being surrounded by all these green and nurturing living things and observing them in their various stages that is so calming and soothing.
ikr, everyday working with fresh vegetable like this is really nice, except you get a stupid boss who always yell at you every 5 mins 😂
The place STINKS though.
I would love to work in a farm like this. I hope it becomes a more reliable availability in europe soon.
That thing that drops the seed pellets right into the correct spot in the sponges is really a cool idea! 🙂
결국 이런분들의 노고가 미래의 좋은 먹거리를 책임지게 되는것이죠
청년들이 농업을 떠나는만큼
발전된 기술 고효율로 재배, 수확하는게 중요한 과제라고봅니다
항상 응원하겠습니다!❤
회사 홈페이지 및 판매 사이트 ( 플랜티팜 ) :
구매링크1 :
구매링크2 :
*In the context of Korean scientists growing clean vegetables, you are probably referring to advances in agricultural technology and practices that aim to produce safe and high-quality vegetables. This can involve techniques such as hydroponics, vertical farming, precision agriculture and controlled environment agriculture, all of which integrate scientific knowledge to optimize growing conditions. of crops and minimizing the use of pesticides and other chemicals. Great, excellent, wonderfull.*
*Incredible! I cultivate hydroponic lettuce in my small backyard as well. This one really caught my attention. Thanks for sharing the video!*