Kratky Hydroponic Container Made From Plastic Urn

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “Keep on Growin’ with Mike VanDuzee”. 

Made a hydroponic container from a plastic urn my wife got on clearance at the dollar store.


Peter Grant

  • Adylure says:

    It’s very cute! I think I’d like that for my yard.

  • Noelle Legaspi says:

    If rain falls in, do you measure the remaining water and add more nutrients if needed? Or let it be?

  • Joy Fisher says:

    I think it looks elegant & might persuade more folks to try your system

  • MIROIR FBM says:

    Bro How often do you change the nutrients? Replace completely or replenish?

  • susanshelit says:

    Those are beets, right? Been growing them on hydrobeeds too and they are looking good.

  • Esaii Taylor says:


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