How to grow cucumber in paint bucket easily

This Video is from the Youtube channel: “DHD Garden”. 


Peter Grant

  • Jacqueline Wells says:

    Very unique. That’s a great way if you don’t have a lot of space to grow them.

    • badad0166 says:

      Hi Jacqueline,

      While I admit to my annoying obsession, please don’t use ‘Very unique’. It’s kind of like getting your Gold medal bronzed. Unique means number one, top of the heap. King of the hill. One of a kind. You can’t declare something better than first.

      Now, about this 110% bullshit everyone keeps going on about…

    • John Bruder says:

      @badad0166 It’s my pet peeve too. My wife often says “that’s redundant” when I try and up the best. 🙂
      And having been a math teacher, it’s impossible for more than 100% effort etc. 🙂

    • Brain Slugs says:

      @John Bruder 🙂

  • Tereza AF says:

    Linda colheita 🥰


    A unique way to grow. Perfect for people with small spaces to grow.

  • MTSwed says:

    Sugerując się tytułem spodziewałem się, że zobaczę sposób hodowli kolorowych ogórków?!🥒🌶🥕

  • Michelle Gray says:

    Great idea, even if your space isn’t limited. Like someone below mentioned, this method keeps the plant from taking over or spreading out all over your horizontal gardening space(s). Not a fan of cucumbers, but I bet this will work great for many other vines type plants like zucchini, tomatoes, peas, etc.

  • Ty B says:

    I see a string question alot, just a beginner here but I’ve seen many examples of these and the best strings are natural strings so they can be composted in with the stalk and leaves at the end of it’s growing season.

    Also, for height of the stakes, I would probably say around 4 or 5 ft tall. With 4 plants it should produce pretty well

    • b says:

      I planted 5 to a mound about 4-5 mounds next to a chain link fence in partial shade. They were prolific and made a good fence cover. I finally gave up trying to keep both sides picked and anyone who wanted from the other side could have them.

    • b says:

      @Ty B
      There are only so many salads and so many pickles you can and eat. I picked them and gave my rather large family of in-laws all the cucumbers they wanted but there was a public drive in the other side and at first I was mad, but then I realized what a good job I’d done preparing the soil. It was fertile. I had my own compost area that looked like a decorative area. I had a strawberry patch started from a few cuttings from another in-laws parents and it filled the area in one season. I had pole beans, tomato’s that were huge and large clusters and rich tasting, small cherry tomatoes, black eyed peas, peppers, bell, jalapenos, okra, eggplants, cauliflower, collards, mustard greens, cantaloupes also on the fence just slip them into a panty hose cradle as they get larger.
      The cucumbers leaves really looked good on the fence and we had a problem of too much rain sometimes and had to keep the rows elevated. We put bricks at the end of the rows to hold in regular rain to deep soak, but removed them after monsoon rains to allow the pathways in-between to drain. I grew all that in an area about the size of a double car garage.

    • b says:

      The best part was watching my toddler son live in the garden picking fresh, rinsing it off and eating it raw. Cucumbers were the only problem. They had those little spikes on them that stuck into your skin and those little soft hands brought tears so he learned to leave those to me.

    • Valamas says:

      @b plant some chillies for your son 🌶️😭

  • Raji Tripathi says:

    This would work for most fruits and vegetables growing on vines; however, I would use a food-grade container instead of a paint bucket

  • Tom Armstrong says:

    My folks have grown tomatoes like this for a few years with increasing success (finding the right mix of sunshine helped a LOT), but don’t think they drilled the drain holes.

    The soil in my current yard doesn’t seem like it would support a regular garden, so I’m looking at ideas like this, and getting ready for spring.

    Curiosity: Are you adding any fertilizer to the soil you use, or is it a store-bought mix? Do you add fertilizer or compost during the grow season?

    • Emeraldfox717 says:

      Have your soil tested at your local ag center,then just add what it’s lacking

    • Kim Byrum says:

      Looked like potting soil first and then top soil for the last couple inches. Nutrients from the center compost bottle. Wouldn’t add water. It will absorb some of the water and leech into soil

    • Галина Берсенева says:

      А что нужно положить в бутылку и как часто докладывать какой сорт огурца

    • Давыдова Людмила says:

      А что за субстанция вы положили в середину

    • Life’s a stitch says:

      @Давыдова Людмила I think it was compost – organic plant, fruit, vegetable waste to decompose and become fertilizer

  • Mid Null says:

    The only problem is that the bucket is top heavy. A gust of wind will knock it over. And since they’re heavy feeders I’d plant beans/peas around it as well. So maybe like 3 pea plants to 2 cucumber plants.
    But honestly, this is a great idea. I’m looking forward to try this method out.

    • Гарцующий Карась says:

      Только на вольной земле растёт всё

    • Aleks Shpak says:

      @Гарцующий Карась да что ты говоришь? Ты хоть пробовал такой способ? Я уже два года сажаю в вёдрах, правда по одному и очень доволен,и эстетично,и практично,и экономично!

    • Rania Ahmed says:

      may I ask why to plant pea with cucmber ?

    • Mid Null says:

      @Rania Ahmed pea/bean plants’ root systems increase nitrogen in the soil, and cucumbers are heavy feeders so they compliment each other. Companion plants. 🙂

  • All that healing : Korea Rain, Korea Street says:

    There’s an easy way to grow cucumbers. It’s a really cool and amazing idea to use this paint canister. Thanks to you, I learn a lot. Thank you 🥰

    • ольга великородова says:

      Ведра не
      С краской, а из под краски, не пугайте людей, идея хорошая, как сажать ранние огурцы

    • Donar says:

      Ye nice with all the platsic in your food.

    • Ophelia Maples says:

      @Korea_rainwalk. Try to avoid containers that have had paint or chemicals in them. Best to use ones made from food-safe/food-grade plastic. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, the local restaurants sell off for cheap or give away containers from their kitchen that had food in them like mayonnaise etc.

  • Christmas Cactus Channel says:

    I just watched a video on growing cucumber that was absolutely fantastic! I am blown away by the amount of valuable information that was provided in such an engaging and entertaining way.

    The video was very well produced, with great visuals and clear, concise instructions on how to grow cucumbers. The narrator was engaging and funny, making the whole experience enjoyable and informative at the same time.

    I would definitely recommend this video to anyone interested in gardening or growing their own vegetables. It’s a great resource for both beginners and experienced gardeners alike. I plan on sharing this video with all of my friends and family, as I think it’s important that everyone has access to this valuable information.

    Overall, I was very impressed with the video and can’t wait to put some of the tips and tricks I learned into practice in my own garden.

  • Gregory Hodge says:

    I planted one cucumber plant in an above ground container last year for the first time in my life and had more cucumbers than we could eat without doing anything special for the plant.

  • Cat says:

    Esto sí es reciclar. Y ademas ecologico parece ser. Felicidades por el ingenio!

  • yeahdude1986 says:

    I’d think this would dry out incredibly quick. 4 plants in one container. Whew!
    Sweet idea. Maybe I’ll try it 😊

  • Tudobombom@shorts says:

    Parabéns muito boa as ideias ❤

    • Галина Фоменко says:

      Благодарю. Голь на выдумку хитра. Слава труду! Здоровья

  • Dulcinéa Manhães says:

    Muito bom. ❤

  • mamma mia ASTURIAS PARAISO NATURAL says:

    Holaaa, esta genial..
    Que otra cosa se puede plantar en lugar de pepinos… ??
    Muchas gracias 😊

  • MTH Garden says:

    *Cucumbers with many fruits are eye-catching, large and long, and simple to grow. Thank you for sharing.*

  • Belyse says:

    I’m amazed at how informative and concise this video is.
    I’m going to start bucket gardening and I’m glad I saw this video. I can’t wait to get started.


    Mil gracias por tu solidaridad al compartir , con todo detalle, tu ingenioso y bonito método para cultivar pepino. Es bello ver a través de hojas y flores el fulgor del sol. Verde y amarillo tierno.

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